Lately I'm not so busy with sewing and crafts as I want to. Partly because I've other things to do and partly because of my lack of motivation. I managed however to do a little more sewing on the handkerchief blocks ( I want to make a tablecloth out of these blocks). The blocks are on the floor of my craftsroom...for some time now.

Luckely I've my own crafts room and I can close the door. That way nobody is bothered of all the mess I make! I'll give you a little glimpse around...
For things to pin on, for inspiration and to remember adresses I use these pinboards.

I've a small sewingtable in front of the window, perfect for natural light. The table looks bigger though when it's not so messy!
For blogging etc. I have a computerdesk made by my husband.

I like to listen to music while working. It's an old radio but with stereo sound! The books on the shelf are mostly quiltbooks. They are used for inspiration.

Here are some of my fabrics. I keep them in a closed dresser so that the colors won't fade out. I try to stash them color by color and usually there are more fabrics going in then there are going out (lol).
I'm very happy with my room, it's a place I spend a lot of time in. Hopefully I get my mind on sewing again soon. In the meanwhile I better tidy up my sewingtable!