
Feb 7, 2008

Knitted star tutorial/ Gestrickter Stern

Ok, finally after promised months ago here my first attempt of writing a knitting pattern in English.

"A Knitted star"

knitted star tutorial

What do you need to make one?

Yarn: To make a star with star points in different colours you need 5 colours. You can also choose to make a star in one or in two colours. There are many variations possible. The size of a star depends of the thickness of the yarn and the size of the needles. The thicker the yarn, the larger the star will be. I used soedan wool for this star and needles size 4.5.
Knitting needles: Size depends on the thickness of the yarn.
Needle: To sew the star points together.
Stuffing material: poly-fil or fiberfil or cotton.

1.) Knit 10 star points in five different colours, two of each.

10 star points

One star point:

Row 1 : cast on 3 stitches
Row 2 : knit 3
Row 3 : purl 1, inc 1, purl 2
Row 4 : knit 1, inc 1, knit 3
Row 5 : purl 1, inc 1, purl 4
Row 6 : knit 1, inc 1, knit 5
Row 7 : purl 1, inc 1, purl 6
Row 8 : knit 1, inc 1, knit 7
Row 9 : purl 1, inc 1, purl 8
Row 10: knit 1, inc 1, knit 9
Row 11: purl 1, inc 1, purl 10
Row 12: sl 1- knit 1- psso, knit 10
Row 13: sl 1- purl 1- psso, purl 9
Row 14: sl 1- knit 1- psso, knit 8
Row 15: sl 1- purl 1- psso, purl 7
Row 16: sl 1- knit 1- psso, knit 6
Row 17: sl 1- purl 1- psso, purl 5
Row 18: sl 1- knit 1- psso, knit 4
Row 19: sl 1- purl 1- psso, purl 3
Row 20: sl 1- knit 1- psso, knit 2
Row 21: sl 1- purl 1- psso, purl 1,
Cast of by pass stitch over.

- sl = slip stitch from left-hand needle to right-hand one without knitting it.
- psso = pass slipped stitch over.

Slip stitch from left-hand needle to right-hand one without knitting it. Knit the next stitch. Insert tip of left-hand needle into the slipped stitch, pass it over the knitted stitch, and off needle.

2.) Press the ten star points carefully under a damp cloth with an iron.

3.) Sew the star points into two stars. Make sure you have a left and a right side, see picture below

left and right side

4.) Sew stars together right side out. Leave one star point half open. Fill the star point with cotton or polyfill. Close the half open star point.
Note: Each star point has a short and a long side. Make sure all the short sides are pointed to the middle of the star.

You can decorate the star if you like. I used the bullion knot stitch. I did one in the middle on each side from the star and on the end of each point.


For those who like tho try this pattern out.....enjoy and good luck!

Thank you Barbara for your german translation.

Gestrickter Stern:

Was braucht man dafür?
Garn: je nach Wunsch bis zu 5 verschiedene Farben, man kann den ganzen Stern auch einfarbig oder zweifarbig … machen. Die Größe des Sterns hängt von der Dicke des verwendeten Garns und der Nadelgröße ab. Ich habe Soedan Wolle verwendet und Nadelstärke 4,5
Stricknadeln: passend zum Garn
Nähnadel um die Sternspitzen zusammen zu nähen
Füllmaterial: Füllwatte o. ä.

1. Stricke 10 Sternspitzen in fünf verschiedenen Farben, zwei von jeder Farbe.

Reihe 1 : 3 Maschen aufnehmen
Reihe 2 : 3 rechts
Reihe 3 : 1 links, 1 zunehmen, 2 links
Reihe 4 : 1 rechts, 1 zunehmen, 3 rechts
Reihe 5 : 1 links, 1 zunehmen, 4 links
Reihe 6 : 1 rechts, 1 zunehmen, 5 rechts
Reihe 7 : 1 links, 1 zunehmen, 6 links
Reihe 8 : 1 rechts, 1 zunehmen, 7 rechts
Reihe 9 : 1 links, 1 zunehmen, 8 links
Reihe 10: 1 rechts, 1 zunehmen, 9 rechts
Reihe 11: 1 links, 1 zunehmen, 10 links
Reihe 12: 1 abnehmen 10 rechts
Reihe 13: 1 abnehmen 9 links
Reihe 14: 1 abnehmen 8 rechts
Reihe 15: 1 abnehmen 7 links
Reihe 16: 1 abnehmen 6 rechts
Reihe 17: 1 abnehmen 5 links
Reihe 18: 1 abnehmen 4 rechts
Reihe 19: 1 abnehmen 3 links
Reihe 20: 1 abnehmen 2 rechts
Reihe 21: 1 abnehmen 1 links

(Abnehmen: Masche von der linken auf die rechte Nadel heben ohne sie zu stricken, nächste Masche stricken, erste abgehobene Masche darüberheben.

2.) Die zehn Sternspitzen vorsichtig unter feuchtem Tuch dämpfen

3.) Die Sternspitzen zu Sternen zusammennähen, dabei sicherstellen, dass man eine rechte und eine linke Seite hat, wie auf dem Bild unten .

4.) Sterne zusammen nähen, mit der rechten Seite nach aussen. Eine Sternspitze etwas offen lassen. Den Stern füllen mit Füllwatte und verschließen

Achtung: Jede Sternspitze hat eine kurze und eine lange Seite. Stelle sicher, dass die kurzen Seiten zur Sternmitte weisen.

Du kannst den Stern dekorieren wenn Du möchtest, ich habe einen Knoten Stich verwendet in der Mitte der Sterne und an jeder Sternspitze.

Für die die es versuchen wollen, viel Spaß und viel Glück.



Dawn said...

Those are soooo sweet!!!

Brood en Rozen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara said...

thanks for the christmas can come:))

meggie said...

Great instructions. They are so cute.

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Bedankt voor je uitleg, ga ze zeker eens maken, vind ze echt super leuk!

Erica said...

Those are fantastic, thank you so much for sharing!

Luísa Silva said...

Great tutorial Corry, thanks for sharing!

bunches of yarn said...

Thank you Corry for the pattern. I've been admiring the knitted star and was going to ask you about the pattern.
It will make a beautiful door knob ornament. ^__^

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

Oh I love these!!! I wish I could knit!!!

Tanya said...

These stars are gorgeous!!!


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Fantastic, just love them, great instructions.

Christine said...

These stars are so cute. I haven't knitted for about 20 years but I think I could manage these. Thanks for the tutorial.

Dees said...

OHHHHHH dank je dank je dank je!!
thank you thank you thank you!!!
So Sweet!!!!!!!!!

atet said...

Oooh -- thank you!!! I have some leftover yarn bits that I believe will become some lovely little stars!!! BTW -- what increase stitch did you use? Did you do a knit or purl front and back?

Katherine said...

What a great project! I love the variety that comes from using different colours for each point - looks like a good stashbusting project. Thanks for sharing this, Corry

Yummers! said...

I love the stars. I'd like a whole basket full of different color combos. They'd look great hanging banner-style, too. I will have to try one... or two. I like small knitting projects.
Thanks for the lesson.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tutorial on knitted stars. They look really great. I think I may make some for my grand-daughter Jorja, she will love them in bright colours.

Leanne said...

Thanks for sharing. They look great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, very kind of you to share. I've been waiting for the pattern!Jess.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, very kind of you to share. I've been waiting for the pattern!Jess.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Corry, for the Knitted Star. I can't wait to make one - I'm going to get my yarn and needles to start on my lunch hour tomorrow! You are the best!


Anonymous said...

Those are so cute! I may just have to try my hand at that.
Thanks for sharing!

Maya said...

Thanks for sharing; I'm going to give these a try.

Patty said...

Just when I think there's nothing new under the sun I see something strikingly wonderful. I can't wait to try this out. Your color choices and workmanship are stellar:) Thank you for sharing!

zizì said...

Those are fantastic!

Patty said...

Me again. This pattern was too wonderful not to share. So I've put a link up on Ravelry ( Hope you can put up some of your pictures with it. It's so lovely. Now if I can only find a good solution to all those ends:)

ChemKnits said...

These are so elegant that I want to make an army of them! These make me want to go buy sparkly novelty yarns rather than just use up my stash. Thanks!

Cannyfinds said...

Thanks for this pattern, my friend was the one who saw it and wanted me to knit these for her, so far im almost done on the first one. I must be doing the increase wrong as i am left with a small hole, not to worry they are looking ok once sewn together

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Sheila Beeby said...

Wow - What a gorgeous Knitted Star - I am becoming a Grandma in November and plan on making a mobile with these stars.
Thankyou for sharing the star with us. xx

Sheila Beeby, Wales x

Banuca said...

I lovvvved these, I have to knit these, sooo sweet... Please please let me to share these at my blog with your link, I will share only ready star photo and you will see all of my blog friends will come to your blog, I am waiting for your permisson urgently :)

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AuntLou said...

Thank you! Merci! Danke!

I am impatient to try them! :)

Lynne said...

Just called over from Vanessa's. They are lovely and I love your choice of colours, so eyecatching.

Jess said...

Me too! I've just popped over from Vanessa's and I love your stars! You've made such a neat job of them!
Jess xx

Linda said...

Really lovely! Thanks for the instructions.

Anonymous said...

Ze zijn erg leuk die Kerststerren.
Maar waaron ook niet een Nederlandse beschrijving. Daar zou je toch 'n heleboel mensen blij mee maken !
Groet, Winanda


This is such an amazing website. Thanks for this beautiful website.
This is such an amazing website. KEEP IT UP