Hip, hip, hooray....my blog is 1 year old!! A year sure goes fast, doesn't it? I learned so much trough blogging, such as writing better English (lol) but best of all...I met you and so many other wonderful people!
Thank you'll for coming by and letting me share a little bit of my creative thoughts with you. It's so inspiring to visit your blogs too!
I really want to celebrate my blog's first anniversary with you so I made a little gift basket ( with suprise) to giveaway and I also made a tutorial on how to make one.
If you want to enter the draw all you have to do is leave a comment before wednesday march 26.
So feel free to join in also if you don't have a blog you are still very welcome!
Tutoriol "How to make a gift basket"
Step 1.)
Draw a basket like the one in the picture. You can make a larger or smaller basket by changing measurements.
Cut the pattern out.
Step 2.)
Pinn the pattern on the fabric add seam allowances and cut the pattern out.
Place the pattern for the outside basket on the fold.

Step 3.)
place both lining fabric pieces on outside fabric piece with the right sides together and sew the top left and right, see picture.

This is how it should look.

Step 4.)
Fold the fabric with the right sides together and sew all around leaving an opening on the side of the lining fabric, see photo.

Step 5.)
Turn the basket inside out and sew the opening closed.

Push the lining into the outside fabric piece.

Step 6.)
Add cord, string or ribbons and sew them on the basket as you pleased.
Buttons, beads, you can use anything to make it a fancy basket.

For those who want to give this pattern a try, I hope you enjoy and please let me know how it turned out, I really like to know!

Congratulations! My english isn't very good, but doesn't stop me to tell you how I enjoy reading your blog. Since I first visit you, I never stoped... Lovely ideas and great works! Keep on...
CONGRATULATIONS with your blog anniversary!!!!!!!!!
You sure made a lovely bag.
Thanks for the nice tuturial.
Happy blog anniversary Corry and thanks for all the beautiful things you have been showing and sharing for the last twelve months.
Congratulations, Corry, on one year of blogging! I'm very happy that I got to 'meet' you through your blog and hope you have many more posts in the future. The gift bag is so cute. Thank you for the tutorial on making one.
Your little gift basket is beautiful! I'll have to print out your directions so I can try one. What pretty spring colors in the fabrics you used!
Congratulations on reaching your Blog-anniversary! I'd love to be entered into the drawing.
Hi Corry, well done on your one year anniversary (may you have many more of them). I can't resist entering your giveaway because I like everything you make!
Hi Corry,
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Your basket is very cute.
I really like what you did with the Japanese embroidery too.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the chance to win this cute basket! And for the tutorial as well.
I'll mention your giveaway on my blog and send some people over!
Jen (sewandsox)
congrats on your 1 year anny of your blog
I enjoy reading it .
The bag/basket is adorable, thank you for the tutorial. I would like to make it and hang it on the door in my kitchen to hold treats :)
What a lovely idea and great tutorial. I love your blog too, a great find for me.
Congratulations on reaching a year. I love the ideas and colours you are coming up with. They keep me visiting time and time again.
Happy Blogiversary. I can't believe it has been a year since I started reading your blog. I look forward to many many more.
Yippee for your first year! And what an awesome looking pattern.
Happy Anniversary! I am going to try and make the pattern and will let you know how it turns out.
Happy anniversary!
And thank you for the tutorial! I am going to try to make this!
I just found your blog today from sew and sox. I am really enjoying it and adding you to my bloglines. Congratulations on the anniversary.
Congratulations on your one year blogiversary. Thank you for the tutorial for the cute gift basket. I love your choice of fabrics and the color combinations make this expecially darling.
If you have a moment to drop by my blog, I am also hosting a giveaway.
Congratulations on your 1 year!! I love your cute little basket. Count me in! I really enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.
Gefeliciteerd Corry! Your blog is so
bright and cheerful, we happily read
it, so I know you will be blogging
for many years to come! Thanks for
sharing all your great ideas with us.
I enjoy reading your colourful blog. Congratulations on your first year.
Please enter me in your draw.
Happy blog anniversary Corry. It has been lovely to see all your beautiful creations and share the journey with you.
Great tutorial, and happy bogiversary....
happy anniversary. i love reading your blog and seeing all your great creations
Corry! What a beautiful blog you have. Every post is as good as the last. Your stitching skills are great. Congrats on the 1 year. You have really taken advantage of the blog world. I love it. Love Stacy
Happy Blogiversary!! Congratulations on many lovely posts.
Cute basket, & a nice clear tutorial.
congratulations on your blog anniversary, and thank you for sharing the tutorial for that lovely bag.
love and hugs xx
Happy blog anniversary Conny! Thanks for your posts about so much wonderful stuff you make!
Thanks for the tutorial.
Congratulations on your 1 year of blogging. Please keep it up, I look regularly and am enjoying your work so much. I also thought I'd better say "Hello".
en wat kom ik hier toch graag kijken!
Zit altijd te genieten van je ideetjes én de kleuren!
Happy Birthday! I've only recently found you but am gaining more inspiration from you every day. Now do I start my quilt or have a go at the basket today? Decisions, decisions!
wow - the bag is so cute and perfect for collecting easter eggs in. i should make them for the kids but i'm afraid i will be quilting all weekend - i'm finding it very exciting.
Corry, that little bag is adorable! Thank you for the tutorial, I am going to try making one. Happy anniversary too! I have only been reading blogs for about a month, but yours was one of the first ones I added to m =y favorites. I always look forward to new posts. And oh.. I would love to win your little bag give-away!
Congratulations on your blog. Your little bag is so sweet.
Bev C
Congratulations and best wishes on your first anniversary! Wishing you many more years of creative inspiration. Thanks for sharing the tutorial on the cute Easter basket. Best wishes, Lisa
Happy Blogiversary!!!
I really love your blog and all the things you share. Your bag is so sweet, thanks for the tutorial!
Very Cute!!
Happy birthday! Yours was one of the first blogs I read before starting mine in october. It's fun isn't it.
Congratulations on your year!Thanks for the pattern I shall try it when sewing again. Hope you have a happy Easter
Thank you for the tutorial.
Congrats on the anniversary! I saw the pictures of your quilts and they are beautiful. Really nice work. And I also love tutorials! Thanks for the ones you made. I have a friend that married a Dutch and live near Rotterdam now. I'm trying to make her interested in arts and crafts. I'll pass along your blog.
p.s. no coments on English (yours are really good) because it's a second language for me too. :D
Congrats on one year, may there be many more! That basket is just too cute. I'm going to make one for sure so thanks for the tutorial.
Great tutorial, and your final project is adorable!
Wow! 43 comments already! Not surprised though - great tutorial, lovely gift bag and super blog celebrating a birthday!!!
Happy 100!
Lucy xx
Congratulations on your blogiversary, Corry! Lovely little gift basket.
Hallo Corry, van hare gefeliciteerd met je 1-jarige blog en ik geloof je meteen als je zegt zoveel geleerd te hebben. Ook ik heb enorm veel geleerd en veel inspiratie opgedaan. Zoals nu ook weer met deze superleuke tutorial, waarvoor dank!
Congratulations, Corry! And ... I like your bag. I wish you lots of fun and creativity in the coming year!
Groetjes, Carolien
Congratulations!!!I like your blog and come in every once in a while :) The colours are great and your photos and patterns, too !
Greetings from Berlin
Thanks Corry, & oh yespplease count me in!!!
Happy anniversary!!
Thanks for the tutorial.
Happy Blogiversary!
What a great tutorial! Thank you for sharing!
And last Happy Easter!
Lovely bag and happy birthday - lol ! Your blog is always so cheerful and colourful. Here's to many more posts.
gefeliciteerd! Je hebt binnen een jaar een geweldig succesvol blog opgebouwd: 52 comments: wie doet dat je na? Ik niet.
Happy Anniversary! That is a lovely tutorial - it looks nice and easy so I think I will try one for myself, thank you for sharing.
I would love to be entered in the draw :)
What a cute idea - You always have such great ideas and super photos! Thanks for the tutorial. Keep on blogging!!!
Congratulations on your anniversary, I hope you will stay here for many years to come.
Wow! How cool is that- I meet you on your 1st anniversary! I love the fabrics you've chosen for this bag. Looking through the page it looks like you have a real eye for colour matching fabrics.
Is your banner a quilt you made?
Congratulations. What a great tutorial. Thanks and here's to another great year!
Happy Anniversary, I always enjoy your posts. Cute basket.
Congrats on the one year. It really does go by fast huh? Love the tuitorial,thanks for doing it. Very cute!!!
Happy Blogiversary, Corry!
Great tutorial. I love the fabrics you chose - so cheerful and Spring like. Might have to go dig thru my stash to try my hand at making one... but I'd love the chance to win the one you made!
Van harte gefeliciteerd!!! Alweer 1 jaar! En net als jij geniet ik enorm van de wereld die bloggen heet! Het vergroot je wereld aanzienlijk. Bedankt voor de tutorial van de tas, het ziet er weer ontzettend leuk uit!
Gefeliciteerd Corry! Ik hoop dat er nog vele jaren volgen. Het is altijd weer een feest om je mooie creaties te zien :-)
Congratulations, I love the wee gift bag and the colorus are just beautiful. I have printed your pattern out to give it a go..
thanks very much for sharing it with us
Congrats on your Blogiversary! I love to stop by look at yours and your sisters blog. Being a dutch girl myself I was attracted right away.
Congrats on your blogiversary. May you have many more ahead of you.
Happy 1st Blogiversary Corry - here's to many more
Congratulations for reaching your first blogiversary. Your little bag is so sweet and you are so generous to provide the tutorial. I love to visit your blog - so many lovely things to see and I always feel inspired. Hope you keep blogging for a long, long time.
PS Happy Easter
Corry, happy first blog anniversary, I enjoy reading your blog and love your sewing, many thanks for the bag tutorial, I will enjoy making some of these for my little granddaughters. I haven't commented on your blog before just lurked. Contratulations on your english, I wish more of us english-speaking people had learn't a second language (especially me)
Gefeliciteerd met je 1 jarige blog. Ik heb inmiddels al meer dan 3 jaar mijn blog en ik vind het nog even leuk als de eerste keer. En zeker je leert er een heleboel van.
Prettige 2e paasdag
Congratulations on the 1st birthday! Thank you for sharing the bag pattern and demostration. I'm glad I'm not to late to enter the draw :)
Keep on the fun blogging for many years on!
Happy blog anniversary! Isn't blogging fun. The fabric bag is really wonderful.
Groetjes ~
Congratulations on your milestone in posting. I was so excited reading your tutorial the other day that I didn't even realise that it was to be part of a giveaway. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the main idea of your tutorial will always stay with me as I was overwhelmed by the simplicity of making the turnover. Thank you very, very much. Cherrie
congratulations on a year of blogging - I always enjoy your colourful and fun blog! here's to many more years of happy blogging!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary and thanks so much for the tutorial! You have made some really beautiful things!
Great tutorial, will try to have a go and make it.
Hartelijk (sp???) gefeliciteerd!!! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!And thanks too for the tutorial. I have Dutch ancestors, and was fortunate enough to live in the Netherlands for a semester in college - so hope that is how you spell the first word! I stole the second word from other comments...oops. I will continue to enjoy lurking - and oh, would you enter me in the drawing too please? Thanks - Diane from Michigan (nee Vruwink).
What a lovely idea for a giveaway bag on your blog anniversary - CONGRATULATIONS - happy stitching, Tina.
Congratulations with your anniversary. I am one of the lucky ones that was able to buy a tea cozy and it made my Easter breakfast table.
You really make nice things.
The yellow one is pretty, but I really like the one that goes with the cosy!
I love give-aways, please include me in the drawing too. :)
Connie W
Simply Quilted
That's a great basket. Thanks for taking the time to share the pattern and pictures. I'm making some reusable shopping bags and I'll have to use some of these techniques in my construction...maybe...smile.
Hi and congratulations on your first anniversary of your terrific blog! Your cheery, imaginative creativity is so much fun to look at!
Andrea, Minnesota, USA
Happy blogversary!
I love to come here and see the beautiful work you make. It´s colorful, criative and inspiring blog. Thanks for sharing with us and I hope it goes for many more years :)!
hugs from Brazil
Congrats ! Keep on writing !
Love your blog & love the colors you used.
Lynn xox
Oh...I hope I'm not too late!
Hugs from Sol in Norway
Hi Corry,
I have been away and missed your give away but congrats on the 1 year anniversary. Love the tutorial on the bag it's very kind of you to share.
What a great tutorial, and such a cute little gift basket!
Thanks so lot, what a cute litte basket, Conny !!!!
Hugs from Jutta in Berlin, Germany
CONGRATULATIONS with your blog anniversary
Thanks for sharing with us!
ik heb er zelf nu ook een gemaakt en ben er heel blij mee :-)
heel leuk om te doen en het is ook eigenlijk zo klaar
ik zou er graag een foto bij zenden maar weet niet hoe dat werkt hier??
hartelijk dank en ik kijk stiekum uit naar een volgend leukigheidje om te maken ;-)
liefs xzenna
Happiest of anniversary's to you!!! I adore your colorful and delightfully handmade blog! May you have many more good years!
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