Hip, hip, hooray....my blog is 1 year old!! A year sure goes fast, doesn't it? I learned so much trough blogging, such as writing better English (lol) but best of all...I met you and so many other wonderful people!
Thank you'll for coming by and letting me share a little bit of my creative thoughts with you. It's so inspiring to visit your blogs too!
I really want to celebrate my blog's first anniversary with you so I made a little gift basket ( with suprise) to giveaway and I also made a tutorial on how to make one.
If you want to enter the draw all you have to do is leave a comment before wednesday march 26.
So feel free to join in also if you don't have a blog you are still very welcome!
Tutoriol "How to make a gift basket"Step 1.)Draw a basket like the one in the picture. You can make a larger or smaller basket by changing measurements.
Cut the pattern out.
Step 2.)Pinn the pattern on the fabric add seam allowances and cut the pattern out.
Place the pattern for the outside basket on the fold.

you'll have three parts.
Step 3.)place both lining fabric pieces on outside fabric piece with the right sides together and sew the top left and right, see picture.

This is how it should look.
Step 4.)Fold the fabric with the right sides together and sew all around leaving an opening on the side of the lining fabric, see photo.
Step 5.)Turn the basket inside out and sew the opening closed.

Push the lining into the outside fabric piece.
Step 6.)Add cord, string or ribbons and sew them on the basket as you pleased.
Buttons, beads, you can use anything to make it a fancy basket.
For those who want to give this pattern a try, I hope you enjoy and please let me know how it turned out, I really like to know!