I know it's been a loong time,...two whole months!
I never had the intention to step away from the computer for that long, but let's just say I've got lost!!
I lost myself in many things going on at the same time. And those things gave me stress...lots of stress.
I had to make a choice....that's why blogging came second. I also wasn't all that creative, so what was there to tell?
But now things are calmed down and I try to work my way back. I've got a lot of blogreading catching up to do and try to find some inspiration again.

It's a quilt for our first grandchild, DD is due mid-July. We are so excited!
The baby's room is almost finished and is oh so sweet.
Aunt Heleen was a big help. She made the curtains and helped with the crib. I'll post some photos of the crib next time. It's an old one, Heleen and I slept in it when we were babies and so were our children. And now it's going to be used by the third generation.
I'm off now...see if I can find my scissors and start on cutting this fabric and make it a quilt!