Things have been a bit quiet lately here on the Dutch blue blog, but that does not mean I have sat still! I kept myself busy with searching for a new cabinet/ bookcase for the bedroom. We had an empty wall since our old cubboard moved out to Luca's room, see this post.
After seeing many, I mean "MANY" differant cubboards, cabinets and bookcases we finaly went for the Billy bookcase system from Ikea. It covers up the whole wall perfectly and the glass doors are making it almost impossible for dust to nest on the shelfs. This is certainly no superfluous luxury for a bookcase in a bedroom!

The bookcase looks still a bit empty now, but not for long, I'm sure!

what a lovely baby girl! she is beautiful!
My son is almost 3 years old and when I see the tiny new born oh oh....
maybe it is about time:-))))
veel plezier met luca en de nieuwe boekenkast! (I love white!)
She looks so wise into the world! Such a cutie!
Love the Billy bookcase!
Granddaughter is a cutie-pie. Love that wall of cupboards, looks terrific.
What a lovely granddaughter!!! Soo cute ... I also love the clothes she is wearing.
Your cupboard is great!
Groetjes, Carolien
oh I love it!! I have been looking for some extra storage as well, and this is just what I have been looking for! HOw did I miss this! I love that you can still see everything while keeping it all really organized! Thanks! and congrats!!!
She is so cute, oh my, can I hold her for a minute?
Luca is just gorgeous. i can't wait to become an Oma! (I'm a long way off though).
Love the bookshelves too - isn't IKEA fabulous!!!
What a beautiful baby! It is so much fun having grand babies to cuddle.
How wonderful... She is so lovely:)
Such a beautiful baby! And I love the bookcase, Ikea moved to our neck of the woods last year, very exciting.
I would love shelving like this. Very beautiful.
And Luca is the prettiest baby girl! Bet you have a hard time not kissing that little face all the time.
Wat een plaatje...je kleindochter!
Ohhh, nu kan ik zelf niet meer wachten op mijn kleine man ;o)
Wat een lieverdje!
It 'a beautiful girl!
Greetings and so much joy!
My child born in January and also I like the name Luca, Italy is a male name!
Even I am a fan of Ikea and shabby style typical of your countries.
De boekenkasten herkende ik meteen Corry, wij hebben ze ook en heerlijk dat ales achter glas staat. Wat een prachtige wand hebben jullie zo gecreëerd en het is helemaal niet erg dat er weinig in staat, de kasten zijn op zichzelf al mooi. Heel mooi totaalplaatje met de quilt en het antieke tafeltje en de kleur van de wand. Ik ga de foto aan DH laten zien, het lijkt me heerlijk o op onze slaapkamer iets meer sfeer te maken. Groetjes van Corrie
Luca is a beauty! What a tuft of dark hair she has. Enjoy her as they grow so quickly. Your new bookshelves look amazing in the bedroom. It will be nice to see things and yet have them dustfree behind glass. I love the quilt on the bed also and wonder if you made it?
Hugs en groetjes ~
What a beautiful baby! Congratulations! I"m sure you are enjoying every moment with her. The new bookshelves are lovely, and suit the bedroom perfectly. I also noticed the quilt on the bed - gorgeous!
Awe she is so precious and sweet!
I love the new bookshelves.
Your granddaughter is just precious!
And the cabinets are wonderful - you will love them! Those are the exact cabinets I chose for my sewing room. I can't imagine the room without them now.
@If you build it they will come' the bookcase will soon be full. I had a chest of drawers empty on the landing for a while and now its full and i didn't put anything in it!
Hello.I'm having a 'find new blogs' night.
oh... congrats to luca´s birth!! she´s a little beauty!! and you are a lucky oma, i guess!!
Congratulations to everyone. Your granddaughter is very beautiful, & very precious!
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