Maybe it's because of the salt I putted into the water, or the sugar.
Maybe it's because I left them tightly wrapped for a few hours and cutted the ends of the stems? Or maybe its just luck...I know for sure it's not because of my green fingers (lol)!

I think he's cute and you should keep him.
Whatever you're doing with the tulips they are looking good.
Oh, he's cute as cake. And those flowers are stunning :)
Your strange visitor is adorable and his colors are lovely;) Tulips are one of my favorities;)
Oh, he is too sweet!
Very good looking stranger!
The tulips are wonderful!
Your tulips and visitor are wonderful!!
The strange visitor is really cute! I love him and your tulips look fantastic!
He's gorgeous. I love his collar.
Hi Corry, der ist echt süß und die Blumen machen Lust aufs Frühjahr,
liebe Grüße
I love your strange visitor and he would definitely be a stayer at my house. I hope you have written down your formula for fresh flowers ...perhaps you could market it. LOL
Cory, Tulips are the flower my husband gives me and my daughter each year for Valentine's day. I received them on our first V Day together. They are my favorite flower. Thank you for sharing yours with us! I am all about the red bird! E
That’s some strange visitor indeed... LOL! But a lovely one. I guess he/she was attracted to the other strange feathered creatures at your place!
Funny how those birds just keep popping up! :-)
The tulips look terrific! I wonder which tip it was that worked so well. But whatever it was.. it worked.
I love your visitor and the tulips look beautiful. I have to tell you I made your "gift bag" from your side bar and it turned out really cute.
He/She is great. I shall have to use some of your tips on my flowers next time! My roses only lasted a few days :-(
What a cute strange visitor you had.
Ik denk dat vooral het even afsnijden en een paar uur in papier stevig laten worden zo'n mooi reultaat geeft. Ik zit inmiddels al heel wat jaren in de bloemen, maar zout...???? Daar heb ik nog nooit van gehoord! Suiker wel, maar dat hebben tulpen niet nodig hoor, die doen het eigenlijk altijd wel. Nou ja, het maakt niet uit, ze doen het in ieder geval prachtig!
Je vogel is weer geweldig, past mooi bij je tulpenplaatje!
Leuk vogeltje. En volgens mij doe je niets fout met die tulpen. Tulpen zijn de enige bloemen die in de vaas doorgroeien en dan ligt het aan de soort of ze dat recht doen of in bochtjes. Vaak groeien ze in ieder geval naar het licht toe. Ik vind dat eigenlijk juist altijd erg leuk zo´n wild boeket.
He's simply irresistible! How can you send him away again? He's definitely a keeper! (LOL)
Your visitor is so cute.
This visitor is a keeper!
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