
Mar 7, 2009

Just a few words to tell you that I'm not be able to blog or respond on mails en comments for now and the next few days because of very sad family circumstances.


Anonymous said...

Veel sterkte toegewenst..


Jenny in Belgium said...

Lieve Corry,
Heel veel sterkte toegewenst,

Anonymous said...

ik weet uiteraard niet wat er aan de hand is, maar ik wens je veel sterkte toe.

dot said...

Prayers for you and whatever the circumstance maybe.

Rachel D. said...

Courage Corry

Ulla V. said...

I'm sorry for you - hope things will be better for you soon...

Tammy said...

Prayers of comfort and strength for you Corry....hugs2u..Tam

Judy said...

I'll be thinking and praying for you and your family.

Jeanne said...

I'll keep you in my prayers, Corry. I hope things are better soon.

dutchcomfort said...

Heel veel sterkte Corry!
Ik zal aan je denken!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Thoughts and prayers for you from my heart xxx

Lucy said...

Sterkte Corry!

Lucy said...

Sterkte Corry!

Anonymous said...

Heel veel sterkte Corry!

Christy said...

sending you sweet comforting thoughts! take care corry. xx

Unknown said...

I will be thinking of you.

Giulianadicuore said...

un abbraccio!


Kris said...

I will be thinking of you too Corry and praying that you will be comforted.

LiLi M. said...

Sterkte Corry! Er wordt hier aan je gedacht. xoxo L.

Marianne said...

Wat een treurig berichtje! Ik wens jou en je familie veel kracht in deze moeilijke tijd.

lheurebleue said...

ik wens jou & de jouwen heel veel sterkte in deze ongetwijfeld moeilijke dagen.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Keeping you in thought. (((hugs)))

monique said...

Ook ik wens je heel veel sterkte!

Heidi said...

Veel sterkte Corry!

Hugs en groetjes ~

méri said...

I'll be thinking 0f you.

Susan in SC said...

You will be in my prayers and we will be here when you feel ready to come back.

Susan in SC

Levin said...

my thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Sterkte meid!

Leanne said...

Take care Cory my thoughts are with you.

Julie said...

I'm sorry I hope things will be ok. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Nadine said...

So sorry - will be praying for you and your family!

Katherine said...

Thinking of you and sending hugs, Corry. Take care.

Anne Marie said...

This too shall pass....

Moorea said...

Corry- my prayer are with you and yours. Bless you! ~Moorea

Jikkes said...

Heel veel sterkte...ik denk aan je!

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Dat is akelig om te horen, sterkte in ieder geval!

meggie said...


Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you!

Quiltgal said...

Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Deb