Thank you for all the get well wishes, I'm feeling much better now...luckily!
It's a rainy last day of Februari...just where did this month go??
What exactly did I do this month..were there any finishes??
Nope, nothing to add to the one project a month list.
But, I crochet squares..76 so far.

I'm hooked! Crochet hooked that is!

This morning Heleen and I went to a local fleamarket.
We love sniffing around..hope to find treasures.
I found these gorgeous potholders, crochet dresses.

And before I go to pick up my crochet needle again...
I show a small peek of the swap presents i'm making for Chris and Wendy.

Of course I won't tell what it is....it's a surprise!!

Have a lovely Sunday!