Brings a new page....
and a new saying....

Here are he gifts I recieved from my spring swap partner Chris.
She made me a beautiful bag. It's perfect to hold my crochet or sewing work

I made one a decade ago and ust recently re-found the pattern again.

What lovely swap items. You clever people :-)
Hope you have a really great Easter.
A x
Your Spring Chicken is gorgeous! I am sure your swap friend will be delighted.
Both very generous! I love you chicken!
Like me you received a lovely bag!
Love your chicken. :)
Vivienne x
Haha, onder de lantaarn is het stikkedonker zeggen ze toch altijd?! Ik ken het hoor, meestal heb ik wel van alles opgestuurd voor swaps en zit ik zelf nog zonder decoratie. Nou ja, dan is de Hema er goed mee.
ik heb bij de hema een lief paastasje gekocht waarin mijn handwerk precies past.
prettige paasdagen!
I love the chicken! I'm very fond of chickens and have a decent number of chickens decorating my house.
I know all about intentions. Right now I just feel like sitting around and doing nothing! :)
Hope you had a nice trip!
cute egg warmer. I have my Hema eggs out.
Nice bag! I love the chicken and the eggs.
Happy Easter!
I love your spring chicken egg warmer!
Jullie hebben elkaar wel vervend zeg! Je kip is super super super leuk!!!
Fijne dagen
by the way mijn moeder heeft het matroesjka poppetje nog voor me weten te vinden bij de blokker!!!
Hi Corry! What great swap gifties! A wonderful bag and your hen is so cute! This swap has been lots of fun! Thanks so much for hosting it! A very Happy Easter to you and your family!!
I love your spring chicken is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful gifts both given and received!
The chicken is great! Have a Happy Easter!
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