The smile on my face is getting bigger and bigger! See this beautiful "gorgeous" bag?
It's a present for me from my sister Heleen. She made this bag from our mothers vest, read about it
here.Thank you, thank you Heleen! You are my most favorite sister in the whole wide world!
I've got so many lovely comments on the tea cozy, thank you all!
I love receiving comments! And that was not the only thing I received this week!
There were some lovely surprises.
The first one came from
Guðrún. She made me this beautiful little bag.
I love it!

She also send me these lovely gifts. See the bag pattern? I'm anxious to try that one out!
Thank's again Guðrún

Then another parcel for me!!
Two gorgeous fabrics send to me by
Jeanne from "luv to stitch"....so pretty colours! Thanks Jeanne.

My cousin Wendy made me this little crocket afghan square. It's so sweet...thanks Wendy, I love it!

And if that wasn't enough... there was one more gift! This beautiful applique quilt kit. It's called'"tree of life". Tante Anneke, thank you so much!

I think it will be a five year plan....but when it's finished it will look like this!!

And if you wonder, after seeing all these beautiful presents, how my face will look like! I'm walking around with a
big smile on, all day long!