Since a year or two I made several angels in all kind of colors and with differend type of wings. I used to called them my little angels. But now these angels have a mision, They are travel angels, here is why..
Our son travels in January 2006 (a student then), to Bolivia to do volunteer work at a house for streetchildren. While he was their he stayed with a Bolivian family who welcomed him in their home and in their lives. They treated him as if he was one of the family. He had such a good time over there.
He fell in love with the land, the people and his Bolivian family.
So, when he came home in June it was hard for him to pick up his old life again. He had left a big piece of his hart behind in "Cochabamba", Bolivia.
As his mother, I was happy he was home again, healty and safe. And I had good hope that his desire to go back slowly would fade away as time goes by.
I might have known better! Because, he graduated from school in July, found a job and with his first paycheck he went straight to the travel agency and bought a plane-ticket back to Bolivia.
So no discussion, that was that, he was going and it did'n matter if I liked it or not. Poor, poor me, I had to put away all my worries. It's such a long journey and so far away!
But he was going to a very nice family and I was sure they would look after him.
He packed his suitcase and I put in a couple of angels that I made. I thought they should travel with him as his guardian angels. Over there he could give them away as a little pressent. So of he went (and my angels too).
He had a great time with his Bolivian family and friends.

Now he's back home again, picked up his life and making plans for his future, he is planning on going back to school again in September. He still has frequently contact with his family and friends in
Bolivia. An he has an experience that last a lifetime.
So, that's how these angels become travel angels. They are minimal weight, fit easily in any kind of luggage and are ready to travel.