We temporary placed a bed in the livingroom for him and I practice a bit of nursing. Not that he's waiting for his mother to do so but hè, I'm his mother!

I almost finished the little quilt that my mother arranged see this post
And I've been busy sewing some crazy nine patch blocks using my lovely french fabrics for the
Dollquilt challenge August

Last saterday I went to a triftstore and found some great stuff. I was very lucky this time see pictures below.

Ribbons.... love those colors!

These hand embroidery patterns are on one long piece of fabric and originaly made as a wallhanger. I don't know yet how I will use them, maybe in a quilt?

And finally this blue plate for my blue china collection. This one has a label on the back from Petrus regout Maastricht. It cost me five euro's, don't think that was too much, do you?