According to the weather forecast this weekend will be sunny and warm. Perfect weather for doing some work in the garden. I bought this hydrangea for on the terrace. Perfect pink!

More pink... I'm not sure yet how to make this mini quilt. Are the green hearts to green...should I add more color, blue maybe?

Oo and before I go..here is another finished project....
The Dutch checker and stripes nine patch!

Have a wonderful weekend!

The checker and stripes nine patch is adorable!!!
In de tijd dat ik stof aan het bestellen ben ga jij alweer heel wat slagvaardiger te werk! Ik vind je hollandse rood-wit-blauw nine patch prachtig. Je nieuwe mini quilt vind ik ook weer heel mooi worden. Ik vind niet dat er meer kleur in moet, het is nu zo mooi op elkaar afgestemd. Soms denk je iets mooier te maken, doe je een hoop werk en achteraf zie je dat het eigenlijk eenvoudiger beter was...Maar ja, achteraf wijsheid is altijd gemakkelijk natuurlijk. Geniet van het mooie weer het weekend!
the green hearts look great, not too green at all.
the pink hydrangea brings a lovely colour contrasting with its green leaves.
Your crafts are always so inspiring!!
Beautiful color choices! I always love what you put together.
Lovely, lovely nine patches! Everything is sooooo pretty. Love the hydrangea. I don't think I've ever seen one quite so pink!
I like the green hearts, it adds a nice contrast to the pink! The Dutch quilt is very nice!! You are very talented!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Corry, This is where I come for inspiration and never leave disappointed! I like the green hearts, but I think pink would make for a softer look. I hate when it is hard to decide! Your afghan blocks have been inspiring me to keep up with mine. Little did I know that you would be finished so quickly, and I would still be months away! A happy weekend to you! Elizabeth
Ik sluit me aan bij de rest en vind de groene harten juist mooi passen.
Trouwens je grote quilt is ook erg mooi geworden.....
Ppffffff....ik moet mezelf ook weer eens een schop onder mijn kont geven, wat betreft mijn quilt.....jarenplan vrees ik!
The quilt is so beautiful.
I love your little dutch fabrics;) Your quilt is adorable;)
I love those green hearts!!!
It's wonderfull how do you match the colours! I like everything!
Have a nice week!
I love those green hearts!!!
It's wonderfull how do you match the colours! I like everything!
Have a nice week!
Hej ik wordt er jaloers van hoor, wat ben jij handig op dit gebied, ben blij dat ik een sjaal kan breien en een gordijn kan naaien op dit vlak hahaha... geef mij maar een grote kast! Kom dan even bij je inspiratie opdoen hoor.
Fijne avond!
Your quilt turned out so cute!
Not too green!. Love your nine-patch in the red, white and blue. And I am jealous of your crochet. My mother gave up on trying to teach me :-)
you don't sit idle do you ?
you have been quite the busy woman!
thank you for the inpsiration to do something with my sewing machine (I traded it in for my shovel for the past month :)
good to see you!
Your combinations are so beautiful!
Your quilt came out beautifully!!I love squares and you picked the right colours :) ..also for the hearts!
Greetings from Berlin Claudia
ik vind die tere kleuren perfect!
Hello Corry, I am just catching up still. Lots of really wonderful crafting going on at your place.. I love each and every thing.
I'm just brand new to machine quilting too, and I think making straight lines is even harder than making squiggles. You did a beautiful job on the nine-patch.
And your crochet is darling! Luca is going to love wrapping her baby doll in that, once she is old enough not to be the baby doll herself. :-) Crocheting is a lot of fun, and so mobile!
I LOVE your checks and stripes quilt .... perfect for a little boy.
Your work is always perfect.
I love the Dutch quilt :)
Je miniquilt kleuren zijn geweldig, maar dat was je vast al wel door meer mensen verteld, hoop dat je er al mee verder gegaan bent! En je delfts blauwe quilt is ook erg leuk geworden!
The hearts and squares quilt are just wonderful and in my eyes a perfect combination (but beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course) I love your other quilts too, such vibrant colours.
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