I have some serious pruning to do in the backyard, green is taking over!
The wisteria is a beauty though.

And so is this clematis.
Sadly there is no activity seen in and around the birdhouse lately so I think the tomtit has build his nest somewere else.

I turned over a new page on the calender almost half May! Oo, this reminds me..almost time for my dentist appointment..AchHHH!!

I joined a mini quilt swap and just before I got hooked on the granny's. I made this ohio star. I'm not sure if i will use it for this swap. The mini quilt has to be spring inspired so maybe some spring flowers?

At the moment granny squares is all I do to fill up the free minutes.

Before I end today's post I want to show you this cute childsgame I found on a fleemarket last week. I believe it's from the '60.

Inside are these lovely dolls waiting to get dressed. Isn't this cute!

I believe I hear the ' i'm ready signal' of the dryer, so duty calls!
Have a great start of the week!

Wellcome back, Corry!
Such a cute game! Sounds like a fun holiday!
hi corry, welcome back!
So happy for you to have a holiday...I need one!
o wat geniet ik van je blog!
zo bloemig thuiskomen is toch wel leuk!
vorig jaar heb ik ook driftig granny's gehaakt. maar het aan elkaar zetten is minder leuk - dat is dus nog niet gebeurd. jouw blog herinnert mij daar pijnlijk aan ...
Welcome back from your holiday Corry, it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Your flowers look lovely - my Mom just gave me a start of her Wisteria, it will be quite a few years before it looks like yours though!
Lovely pictures of your flowering garden! Your mini-quilt Spring block looks very sweet!
What a beautiful flower the wisteria is.
The vintage game was a great find!! Your pile of granny squares is growing- they look so sweet.
Such a lovely post Cory! Every single photo is inspiring! May I ask? My next door neighbor has a wisteria that has overtaken her pergola and soon her home. How is that you prune yours? Our entire court is anxiously awaiting the blossoming of hers. Any advice would be very welcomed. Glad to have you back! Elizabeth
PS You have inspired me to finally begin an afghan! Thanks!
Welcome home.
Je haakwerk ziet er geweldig uit, het is helemaal hip. DEnk dat ik ook maar aan de slag moet als ik iedereen zo om me heen bezig zie met haken.
I've just found your blog by chance, very glad too as it is lovely. Great photos and I love your crochet squares.
Ohh the flowers are spectacular! love the mini quilt too :)
It's always good to be back home! I love the flowers there lovely. What a fun find the game is!
Welcome back...It does feel good to be home but it's so hard getting back into the everyday things. That looks like a fun game...and your wisteria and clematis are beautiful.
What a beautiful photo of your wisteria! I must smell divine too. I love the colors in your new granny squares. They can be addictive! Glad you had such a nice get-away.
what beautiful wisteria you have! The ohio star is very pretty - red and blue are my favourite combinations and the wolly dolly is a hoot! I especially love the man standing on his hands!
Welcome home, Corry! Your flowers are gorgeous.
Heerlijk....zo'n tas vol met kleurige granny's :o)
Glad you are all back safe and sound. Your mini Ohio star is very cute. I really like that fabric.
Heerlijk zo ff uitwaaien in Zeeland. Ik vind je plaatjes van de Zeeuwse meisjes ook heel mooi. Bestaat dat nog 'Zeeuws meisje'? Toch eens opletten in de supermarkt. Wolly dolly is toch helemaal geweldig?! Ik ben van '61 en ik herken mezelf er helemaal in. De taft strikken (die ik niet had want ik had zulk krul haar dat klitte dat ik iedere morgen moord en brand schreeuwde als mijn moeder het uitkamde, dus ik moest kort, korter of het korst :-(, maar ik had zeker zo'n jurkje met een wit kraagje en waarschijnlijk in lichtblauw ook want dat kleurde mij het best vond mijn moeder. Pfff geen wonder dat ik als 6 jarige maar 1 wens had; tiener te zijn!
Isn´t it great? This time of spring? All colors are so intens, the first sunny days and an explosion of flowers. I love it!
Welkom terug! En ja, dan sta je wel weer met beide benen in het gewone leven! Wassen, boodschappen doen, het komt dan allemaal tegelijk. Jullie clematis heeft trouwens goed z'n best gedaan tijdens jullie afwezigheid!
Leuk dat oude spelletje, ik heb het ook, een tijdje geleden gekocht op een rommelmarkt. Dat lieve meisjes kopje is gewoon onweerstaanbaar!
Willkommen zuhause und im Netz,
wunderschöne Bilder!LG Waltraud
Your blog is looking so bright and pretty as it always does. I can always count on a smile here!
I know what you mean about coming home from vacation. It takes a while to catch up!
What an adorable game! I want that! :-)
And your granny squares are so pretty.. no wonder you are hooked.
Mooi! I love your blog :-)
Corry, Bedankt voor de tip over het log van áttic 24.
Ik kan nu ook blokjes haken.
Erg leuk om te doen.
Your wisteria and Clematis are beautiful.
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