If you are longing for spring
If you want to have that spring feeling
If you want to be lovely surprised
And receive new fabric
You do not want shipping costs being to high….
This is the swap for you!
What do you have to do?
1. Find your two most beautiful spring fabrics and
It can be a anything as long as it is very pretty!
Wrap it up all pretty, and write a nice note to send with it because...
This is it nothing more nothing less.
Everyone can join (with are without a blog).
Because this is an international swap
you have to be prepared to ship overseas.
You can sign up by;
Leaving a comment on either Corry’s or Heleen’s swap post,
be sure to include your email address if you are a no-reply/ anonymous commenter.
Then you mail your e-mail address, real name and home mail address
and also your blog address, if you have one to dutchsisters@live.nl
The sign up will close on January 31, 11.59 p.m. (CET time).
We will match up and send out partner information the following week.
Once you receive your partner's details you can send her an email
to say hello and introduce yourself.
Please send an email to dutchsisters@live.nl and your partner
to confirm that you’ve sent your parcel.
Once you received your ‘spring surprises’ could you please blog about them
(if possible) to publicly thank your partner.
If your partner doesn’t have a blog
you can post and show your own makings on your blog
so we all can see your wonderful spring surprises.
If you have a blog feel free to add this swap button in your sidebar
Thank you!

Don't hasitate any longer and join us!

You can count me in! I just wish spring came to Calgary soon, but we have to wait until atleast May :(
Ik wil ook graag meedoen! Ik zal je mailen!
yes count me in please!
I'll do it Corry! :) This sounds like a sweet swap!
Hi! I'd like to join too!
That sounds like a lot of fun...count me in too!
Me too! This will be a treat!
Hi Corry - I'd love to join your swap!
Hi Corry!
Count me IN...although my sewing skills are few, I will do my best to make something wonderful!
Sign me up!
I'm so excited! Yes! I will be participating and I am also featuring it on my blog too over at the Happy Wren! Nichole
Please count me in. Spring doesn't arrive in Australia until September but it is my most favourite season (and it will be nice to be thinking spring thoughts and stitching spring things in Summer and Autumn!)
Keep smiling,
I'd love to join in please? Can't wait for spring...!
Sam x
Count me in! Looking forward to the swap!!
I'd like to join. Some days here in Korea it seems like spring already, but it's still a while until cherry blossoms.
Hi, I 'd love to be involved in this.. it will be my first swap & i'm very excited at the idea - it seems Spring is very far away from Scotland at the moment!
Oooh, I'm in, I'm in! Here in Lithuania it's far from Spring, -27C at night :/
Please sign me up.
It sounds really fun, please sign me up. It will be my first swap!!!
I will try to use the button, too, and blog about this in my tinny corner in Portugal!
Oo this sounds like such a lovely idea. I already have a good idea about a pretty thing I can make. So please may I join in?
I want to play too! I'll send my info shortly:)
What a lovely idea! Count me in!
Hi! I'd love to join your Spring Swap. Thanks :)
Please count me in Corry!! I can use some Spring inspiration!
My momma Karen is going to participate too! I'll send you her information...thanks Corry! Nichole
I am willing to join the group.
I haven't started my own blog yet.
Hi Corry! I love your blog. I'm looking forward to your swap.
sign me up. sounds like fun.. havn't ever done a swap and one involving spring sounds great.. it will be several more months till we get spring here in Alaska!
Hi Corry, I'd like to join to this swap!
It seams very good idea and i will put the swap button in my blog.
Tank you
Patrícia S.
Hallo Corry and Heleen,
I would love to go along. A perfect opportunity to sew or make something I would normally not do (because I'm mostly into clothes).
My first swap!
I hope I can life up to all the expectations.
i haven't dealt with summer yet - i'm longing for some wintry goodness.
it looks like a lovely swap, but with my studies etc...i don't think i will have time. i hope it all goes well though.
I am so ready for spring please count me in on this swap.
It seemed like spring today, here in Washington, DC! It was windy, but nearly 60*F! I love fabric and I'd love to participate!
i would love to join in. i need something fun to do right now! i have never done something like this before but count me in!
Hi Corry
I love this swap idee count me in
Hi Corrie and Heleen,
What a great idea! Please sign me in for this giveaway!
Gina UK/BR
I would love to join. Sent you an email.
Leuke swap hebben jullie ervan gemaakt. Ik heb er over nagedacht (anders reageer ik altijd wat vlotter), maar deze keer doe ik toch maar niet mee, ik heb nog zoveel dingen te doen en ik had me voorgenomen die jaar minder te swappen, ik ga het nu toch proberen!
Ik wens jullie allemaal veel plezier!
I'd like to join in your swap! Right now I'm enjoying nice cold, snowy and sunny Winter days, but Spring is in its way =)
I'd like to join in your swap - It's a little chilly in Arizona right now but, mostly this time of year is very springy.
This sounds like a nice way to bring in Spring. Count me in.
kbsteuber @ yahoo dot com
This sounds like fun, count me in! m0rrissey[at]myway[dot]com
Hi Corry & Heleen
Please I would like to join in.
Thank you
Bev V.
I would love to take part in your swap...
Here in Texas, USA spring still seems so far away!!!
It's going to be fun:->
i could use a little bit of spring in my life right now :) count me in.
Hi Corry!
What a great idea! I'd love to join you. Would be my first swap and I already know how much I will enjoy it. Thanks for organizing.
I would like to join this wonderful project :)
Tatyana from Russia (tatkisch1@gmail.com)
Sounds fantastic! My email address is: stronglikenancy[at]yahoo[dot]com
I would like to join in. This sounds like so much fun! I love Spring and it feels like it's not coming anytime soon here in Pennsylvania.
sounds like a lot of fun!!
also sent you an email!
I would like to join in too please!
I am just going to go and read the rules again and I shall blog about it too.
Hi Corry and Heleen,
I would be a blast to join your fat quarter/gift swap!! I'd like to bring some international spring to Canada!!
This sounds like a lot of fun!
I would love to be a part of this, count me in.
Ja, ik wil ook mee doen en zal je mailen!
It sounds that it will be a lot of fun. Count me in, please.
Hi Cory & Heleen!
I would like to join in. :)
Greetings from Hungary!
I would like to participate in the Spring Swap.
Louisiana, United States
If there is still room...so many ladies have joined...I'd love to participate.
Sounds like fun-count me in! My first exchange.
Yippe, count me in. I love to swap :-)
Hi Corry ,
I would like to join in!
Greetings for all from Qatar !!
Leuk idee! Ik zou graag mee willen doen, mijn eerste swap!
I love to join the spring swap. Inge
I would love to join this swap!
Hi, I can't wait to get started! Jean
I'd love to join this swap, it's my first! Mail is coming your way :)
Hi, I would love to join in the swap.
Vivienne, Northern Ireland
I want to join :-)
Spring, here we come!
Alies, Netherlands
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