Underneath this bag hides a simple calico shopping bag.
The kind of bag you sometimes get for free at the store.
They often have names and logo's printed on them. If you don't use those bags anymore than this is a great way to recycle, it's easy and quickly done.

step 1.
unstitch both sides of the bag so that the bag will look like this
(photo below)

step 2.
Sew fabricstrips,lace and ribons on the right side of the open bag so that
the whole surface is covered.

step 3.
Close the bag again by stitching both sides.
Turn the bag and .......


You see it's so simple as can be !
What a wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing it. I have some bags made from a material that is similar to interfacing. My husband picked them up at a convention. I have saved them thinking they would be useful for something. Your idea would be a great way to fancy them up and add strength.
How easy is that I will have to try it. Thanks Mary
What a great idea! Recycle your bag and reduce stash!
What a clever idea and the fabric colors are great.
that's absolutely wonderful! i'm going to try it - it seems far less daunting than trying to make a whole quilt and easier than trying to make a whole bag - very clever :)
now i just need to find some calico bags - our shopping bags are different and i don't think they would work :(
the comment above is not from anonymous it's actually from me but i forgot to type in my details!
I have tried it and it is a lovely idea!
Thanks for sharing it.
What a fun idea! I have a few of those bags lying about and some scraps.....thank you for sharing the fun!
Wat een leuk idee! Ik heb an paar van die zakken en wat lapjes....bedankt voor het delen!
Fantastic ! Beautiful bags and so easy to do !
Hallo Corry,
Wat een goed idee om zo nieuwe en leuke tassen van te maken.
En ik vind het ook leuk dat je op mijn blog ben geweest.
Siggy moet je zien als een visite kaartje en dan van stof en die ruil je dan met iedereen die op de lijst staat.
Jij zelf bepaald hoeveel jij per keer ga maken en ruilen.
Als je belangstelling heb moet je bij Annelies zijn, zij houd de lijst bij en je krijg van haar verdere uitleg, haar naam staat op mijn Blog.
Groetjes Sonnja
Now that was clever!!
Thank you so much for sharing this idea, it is great, I love to recycle stuff.
What a great idea.
The best ideas are normally the simple ones.
Thank you for sharing this terrific idea. You showed the process very well in your post and your bags are really cute.
Great idea....and you can find these bags at garage sales and get them for cheap. I'm going to make myself one.
Hey, that is a groovy makeover!
ohhh thanks for telling us how! I have so many lovely bits of fabric I want to use and a bag would be perfect! thanks again
Love your bags great job. :)
Came across your blog and love it and would like to invite you to list your blog on Crafty Crafters top 100 site. It's where those with some great hobbies like to list there blogs and get to know others with blogs that is all about there hobbies. Here is the link and hope to see your blog there.:)
Hi, thanks for the idea, if you visit my very new blog you can see a picture of my bags.
what a great idea! I'm going to try this!
What a wonderful idea... I'll certainly give it a try!
I LOVE this idea! I have a million of those free bags, and more fabric scraps than I know what to do with. Thanks for sharing your excellent idea :)
Just found your blog via Gudrun - love the tutorial, it's very clever!! Thank you for sharing.
Great idea, thanks for sharing, you did an excellent job in showing just how to do each step.
It is a great tutorial and a brilliant idea!
Thanks a lot!
It is pleasure to read your blog and especially look at the pictures!
I think this is a great idea, may I have your permission to use one of the photographs of the completed bag so that I can put a link to your tutorial on my blog.
I just love the tea cozies, gift bags and other items you´ve made!
What a clever idea -- and such a great way to make some cute bags! I'm definitely going to try my hand at a few of these!
wat en leuke blog en wat een mooie ideetjes, dankjewel, groet Elly
Verbazend hoe de eenvoudigste ideeën vaak de leukste zijn.
Was ik zelf niet opgekomen, maar ga ik zeker proberen.
Erg leuke blog trouwens!
That's a wonderful idea! I have many of those, often ugly, bags. I want pretty ones, but hate to throw away a perfectly good bag!
Thank you so much!
SO clever! I've just added big outside pockets to bags like this to cover up the logos, but this looks so fun I may have to make one right now!!!
Where I live in the US the bags we get are canvas and kind of heavy, when you wash them they all wrinkle up and they haven't softened with washing. Thinking about it the fabric would suffer so I think I would use a fusible that is stiff to fuse the fabric with the bag and then use your instructions on the other parts.This might make a more stand up bag but that might be good. Thanks for the idea.
Wow! Nice calico bag design..Calico bag is environmentally friendly bags and a smart way to promote your business by designing a promotional bag for your business.
Wat 'n fantastisch idee. Als ik ze al eens in gebruik nam dan keerde ik ze altijd buitenste binnen maar...nu ga ik er natuurlijk een hartstikke hippe tas van maken.
Dank je wewl voor dit leuke idee.
A brilliant idea, thank you for sharing it! I will put this to very good use.
great idea! I have some of those bags and of course piles of scraps.
I see bag makeovers in my future.
i love these bags ive tried a couple out for myself and am very pleased with them
please have a nosey at my blog
That's wonderful looking of your bags and post. Your idea would be a great way to fancy them up and add strength. I'm definitely going to try my hand at a few of these!
Wow It is nice Posting and Great Helpful for me.I have your permission to use one of the photographs of the completed bag so that I can put a link to your tutorial on my blog.
How exciting! Its Amazing & creative minds at work. Her projects look like excellent crafty inspiration. Fantastic blog on bags really nice.
Canvas Bags
Nice calico bag design.. I think Calico bag is environmentally friendly bags and a smart way to promote our business by designing a promotional bag for your business.
Hi all,
very nice bags collection,
i like it very much,
Good to see that these different types bags information, thanks to share with us this useful information.
EXCELLENT BAGS!! I think that you must sell these bags because they're so beautiful, I know that you can earn a lot of money with those sells.
Hi corry,
Love your art work and got so many ideas to make handy bags for my kids by using many useless things in process. Will share my art work later with you!
This is my first visit on this site and i am so happy to read this blog. Thanks everyone for sharing your ideas. I like the theme of this site.
I liked your blog so much ... have many interesting things to do. Thanks...
Anytime you come to our site to buy Promotional bags ,What a cute, cute bag!! thank you .......
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