I'm so busy....so

just a quick post today. We're going away for a few days and be back on Monday.
Heleen and I hope that you all sent your spring swap parcels out the door!
If you haven't are have troubles regarding the spring swap, please mail
Dutch sisters. I've seen already so many beautiful and lovely crafted gifts!
This matroushka photo has nothing to do with this post what so ever...just a colorful picture. For the Dutch readers...I bought this matroushka at the blokker. it's a small moneybox.
Before I go...I like to point out these two lovely ladies. They are having a blog giveaway.
Vivienne from greenrabbits designs and Nichole from the happy wren studio. Happy weekend!
In Holland we call it a prikbord. In English you say a pinboard. But when you hang your crafty bits and pieces, postcards, magazine clippings etc....on it then it become an inspiration board!

More inspiration boards found on flickr

1. noticeboard_4, 2. Inspiration board, 3. childhood tapestry, 4. Inspiration Board: vintage, 5. My Inspiration Wall, 6. New Inspiration Board, 7. Untitled, 8. Inspiration Board, 9. closer view, 10. where i do some of my work, 11. i heart inspiration, 12. my pin board, 13. mypinboard, 14. my kitchen inspiration board, 15. w o r k [ s p a c e ], 16. anthropologie craft room window display 2 How about you? Do you also collect things that inspire you?
Do you have a prikbord, or pinboard too?Wish you an inspirational weekend!

I came across this lovely picture in the March issue from Landleven.
Landleven is a Dutch country lifestyle magazine.
I love this crochet coat protector or bike-skirt.
There is a link where you can download the pattern here.
I'm sorry the pattern is only available in Dutch language.

On Flickr you can find more "pimp up your bike" inspiration.

1. Dscf0313 laboratory of Art, 2. 1910 Fongers, 3. Jasbeschermer painting, 4. Stencil Coat Protector, 5. First crochet thing, 6. Bicycle Wheel Decoration, 7. 103, 8. coat protector, 9. Untitled, 10. Skirt Guard, 11. IMG_1068, 12. Happy Bike, 13. Union bike, Staphorst Netherlands, 14. My New Skirt, 15. CIMG8082, 16. Bike Hat
Check it out, there is lots more!