I turned over a new calender page.
March, the month of early spring, lambs, birds nesting

"The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here."
- Author Unknown

March came in like a lion here! It was cold, rainy and nasty yesterday. Today looks a lot better!
Happy March! What a beautiful calendar that is. :)
Spring is coming...love the March page of your calendar. So pretty.
March has came in like a lamb here but I'm hoping it go's out like one also!
Beautiful calendar!!! where did you get it?
March came in like a lamb here with 10*C temps in the day time, I just want the rest of the saying to come true...out like a Lion! that would mean snow in these parts.
It came in like a lamb here in Northern Ireland, I hope it stays lamb-like all month!!! :)
Vivienne x
Beautiful sunny day here in England. Love your calendar.
A x
We are starting off the month, mild and dry...but I know the rain will come back just in time to pummel my early tulips as they begin to open.
Spring is here indeed... though snow is expected for the end of the week!
march is a month of ups and downs here in adelaide. it can be 40C+ or you can have those perfect adelaide autumn days where it is 26C and there is hardly a whisper of wind - everything is still and calm and perfect.
enjoy the beginnings of spring
Ohhh je kalender blijft leuk! En dan straks lekker borduren. Weet je dat ik grote moeite heb met het weggooien van kalenders en agenda's? En dat ik er ook nooit genoeg van krijg? Wat dat betreft gaat de tijd gelukkig snel!
wat is het een leuke kalender hé.
Moet er nog steeds 1 kopen.
Vind het jaar wel errug snel gaan.;-)
eehm geen jarigen deze maand ??
Prachtig je haakwerk hiervoor.
En moet ik raden wat hét gaat worden. De stofjes zijn al mooi
Oh Corry, let's hope Mother Nature remembers to check the calendar!
March is an excellent month...perhaps my favorite!
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