I came across this lovely picture in the March issue from Landleven.
Landleven is a Dutch country lifestyle magazine.
I love this crochet coat protector or bike-skirt.
There is a link where you can download the pattern here.
I'm sorry the pattern is only available in Dutch language.

On Flickr you can find more "pimp up your bike" inspiration.

1. Dscf0313 laboratory of Art, 2. 1910 Fongers, 3. Jasbeschermer painting, 4. Stencil Coat Protector, 5. First crochet thing, 6. Bicycle Wheel Decoration, 7. 103, 8. coat protector, 9. Untitled, 10. Skirt Guard, 11. IMG_1068, 12. Happy Bike, 13. Union bike, Staphorst Netherlands, 14. My New Skirt, 15. CIMG8082, 16. Bike Hat
Check it out, there is lots more!

Ha, die zijn leuk!
Corry wat een enige collage heb je gemaakt en die jasbeschermers vind ik gewéldig! Berthi schreef er ook al eens een logje over en iedere keer vind ik ze zó leuk.
Je hebt ook een prachtige kalender en fijn dat je je weer goed voelt!
Die pannenlappen van de rommelmarkt zijn ook weer een superleuke vondst.
Fietsen pimpen, het wordt weer steeds vaker gedaan! Leuk leuk leuk dat steeds meer mensen kleur geven aan 'gewone' dingen. Ik zag trouwens ook dat de fabrikanten niet achter bleven, ik heb eigenlijk een nieuwe fiets nodig en ik vond de nieuwe Gazelle stadfietsen ook errug leuk!
Miss Grace zou er nog in het roze komen, misschien dat ik daar op wacht...:-)
Wow, thats a fantastic idea! Love the top photo.
ohhhh what a fantastic ideas!!!
I LOVE this post! I have re-posted it and linked back to you :)
Gaaf! Als ik dit zo zie wilde ik dat ik goed kon haken... *zucht*
Wow...how cool!I like it!
What a fun idea. I don't have a bike though...can't ride one :-(
A x
it looks very funny Frauke
Wauw, prachtig!
This is just wonderful,Corry!
So beautiful ideas!!!
Just great! They are so lovely to see!
Those are some super fancy bikes! Love this idea!
That is so neat!
Thanks for sharing!
That is so fun! Hubby has been looking to get me a new bike. I have a mountain bike but last summer I took a bad fall on it and his thinking I'm getting a little to old for a boy bike. So he's been looking at a bike with finders and that would be fun to make something like that!
So lovely. I can't ride a bike though! lol.
Fabulous! This is inspiration to uncover my dusty bike at the back of the shed in anticipation of spring!
Geweldig toch, ik weet dat er in de jaren 70 ook zo'n golf was om je fiets zo op te pimpen.
Leuke foto collage.
This reminds me of the Seventies, when we decorated our Granny bikes!
Well, now this is a fine, fine, fine idea indeed! I will be searching and blogging about this so I don't forget to make myself one of these for the summer. The sun is out, for the first time in months it seems, and I am looking for spring things to work on. Who can translate this pattern? I hope someone can. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Oh how neat is that?!! Love all the colour. Is your country full of colour?
Those bikes are so cute! I've never seen anything like that before.
puur genieten ...
It's gorgeous...but it's going to get all dirty! Hmm, maybe the seat cover though! ;)
how fun!
Does anyone have any idea how the newspaper skirtguard might have been done? I'm new to commuter cycling, and found my self with a fender-less cycle. I'm trying to diy it all! The newspaper idea appears to be a little less dependant on the fender, and as such is appealing to me. Any ideas? Thank you much!
Can anyone, or has anyone translated this pattern into English? If so, that would be a big help!
Yes, I want to add my voice clamoring for an English translation! Even my Dutch friend is unable to translate it for me...then again, he is a man...
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