In Holland we call it a prikbord. In English you say a pinboard.

More inspiration boards found on flickr

1. noticeboard_4, 2. Inspiration board, 3. childhood tapestry, 4. Inspiration Board: vintage, 5. My Inspiration Wall, 6. New Inspiration Board, 7. Untitled, 8. Inspiration Board, 9. closer view, 10. where i do some of my work, 11. i heart inspiration, 12. my pin board, 13. mypinboard, 14. my kitchen inspiration board, 15. w o r k [ s p a c e ], 16. anthropologie craft room window display 2
Do you have a prikbord, or pinboard too?

These are the perfect colorful photos to bring in spring.
Your prikbord is ultra inspiring :)
Oh ja een mood-board......een stemmings bord met alleen maar moois, om gelukkig van te worden als je er alleen al naar kijkt.
Fijn weekend
Nee hoor,'k bewaar nooit wat...whoehoehahaha! Tuurlijk bewaar ik van alles en juist als inspiratie. Ik heb zo'n kippengaas lijst gemaakt, daar heb ik eigenlijk tags enzo van andere bloggers in hangen en dan gebruik ik mijn gepimpte paspop als prikbord, ik heb er ook al eens over geblogd. Dit zijn ook mooie moodboards! Wens jou ook een heel gezellie en creatief weekend!
At the moment I would have to say no I don't have one Corry but what a really lovely idea....I think I may have one in the near future :-) Thanks for sharing yours.
A x
I love this idea! I don't have one, but should start one!
What a neat idea! I don't have one, but I'm thinking perhaps soon I'll be getting one:)
I love "prikborden"! I use mine to inspire and just look at things I love. Didn't think to take a picture of it though. Would love to know how you will be inspired by it!
I don't have one but I think I need one!
heel inspirerend!
oh what a lovely board you have! I don't keep a pinboard simply because I have no space :/ I do keep an inspirational journal though ;)
i do have an inspiration board. mine is now covered in the children's artwork etc....they think it's their inspiration board!!
It's delightful to see that we use similar methods of inspiration around the globe.
I have all sorts of places in my little apartment to collect inspirational images, or words. I am often surprised when working on a project to suddendly recognize that one of those inspirations has sort of subliminally entered my creative process.
Just feel that it's great to see images, particularly those direct from nature and let the jubling take over.
Have a lovely weekend. Cheers!
very nice, i do have a pinboard and only today did i give it a makeover x
Heerlijk !!
Inspireer maar lekker door hoor !!!
Heb net het leuke patroontje van je gebruikt van de 'gift basket'.
Laat nog foto's zien !!
marian'ne m
I love this post! I do have a cork/bulletin board (that's what we call them). It's not nearly big enough for all the wonderful bits I collect. But I have some most wonderful plans for my new craft room...very exciting!
Oh by the way...I think your board is the best! :)
hoi, laatst heb ik een lintjesbord (een aangekleed prikbord) gemaakt voor op de kamer van mijn dochter.. Helemaal leuk met de kaarten die ze tot nu toe gekregen heeft!
groetjes, tineke
As quilters/crafters, we are so lucky that we fins inspiration in so many things!
Hi! Great for a decoration. Be free to visit my blog. Thanks.
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