I bet we all have one...
A quilt, a knitting, crochet or other project
that you never seem to finish..ever!
You didn't figure out exactly how or what...
and it's hard to bring up the energie to even get you started.

This star charmquilt is paperpieced and not one piece of fabric is the same.

This is the back of the quilt. And you can see by the wide seam allowences,
Just think this thickness will give this quilt extra comfort.

I use xray material for my starpoint model.
And I use wallpaper for draw/cut each individual starpoint.

I wasn't sure about the border But I think I'll do it this way.

For each star I like to match fabric of the same color.

So this was it, the once in a year moment of fame this quilt gets to see day light.

So now I showed you mine.. will you share yours?
Please do...I would love, love to see your once in a year moments of fame!

It is absolutely gorgeous! I hope it makes another appearance...SOON!!!
Oh my gosh - you have to finish it - it's beautiful! Free your quilt from it's box!
It's amazing. I would have to finish it. It's far too lovely to put it back in a box.
A x
This is one the most amazing quilts I have ever seen. I hope you will take it out of the box and finish it...and then send it to me! lol
This quilt is way too gorgeous to be let out only one time per year!! It is lovely! How much more will you do and how big will it be in the end?
My comparable project is a hand-pieced, not English paper pieced though, grandmother flower garden which I started ? years ago, but mine is all still in blocks, nothing joined together. I may have to go on a search to dig it out and photograph it.
Oh Corry that soooo beautiful, don't put it back in the box!!!!
Corry it's gorgeous - you must, must finish it...though I do know how you feel. Mine is a cotton spool quilt started back in '98 ish!!
Nina x
Oh, Corry, it's just beautiful! So very,very pretty! I started my quilting career about 8 years ago with a paper-pieced quilt, as well! It's actually ready for sandwiching, but I haven't come anywhere closer to finishing it than that! Thanks for inspiring me!!!
I just finished mine last week...it was 12 years in the making, started with my mom, who is now passed away. I feel a bit sad the project is now complete, a little like the relationship with the project has changed somehow! yours is gorgeous, Cory! I begin another similar project this month, with antique 1930 grandmother's flower garden blocks that just couldn't get finished by their original creator.-----<3
oh wow, that is amazing!
Gorgeous quilt and looks so complicated but very appealing.
I too have an unfinished quilt in log cabin but am not going to show it since it is greenish!! and oh I don't like that colour now after 12 years. LOL>
Wow! That is so gorgeous. I envy you quilters. I have no idea how to do something like that.
I love it, its soo. . . .WOW. It's just beautiful. I have many projects like that. Even worse I have project plans like that. Some of the stuff needed for a project just not all of it. I take it out read over what I have, pet it, make more notes, pack it up and put it back on the shelf.
I could never show just one. I have many many UFOs that I really love but there is just so much I want to do and so little time. :-) I also started this same quilt and it lays very much undone. I did just pull out an old stitching project since I finished one of my quilt tops which was my goal for this month. You can take a peek at it on my blog.
Hugs en groetjes ~
Schitterend!! Goed idee om de border zo te doen. Misschien een goed idee om de quilt niet te vullen maar alleen een achterkant tegen te maken? Ik heb dat al meerdere keren gezien in een paar boeken over oude quilts, met dezelfde reden omdat er al zoveel stof tussen zit. Ze worden dan als zomerquilt gebruikt, op bed of op een grote stafel.Zou gaaf zijn als hij af was toch? Ik heb wel tops liggen omdat ik me met quilten niet zoveel raad weet. Ze zitten dan wel in elkaar...
How adorable! I'm totally in love with it. Super cute! But I understand that once in a year thing... I think it would be something like this for me... the quilt is so big and it needs all that time... But you know what? One year you will be done :D
It's very beautiful, you must do a few more stars before you put it away for a rest!
So this is the star project you talked about! I hope you find time to finish it, it’s gorgeous!
I have a long way to go...!
that is great and wonderfull
congratulation for this wonderfull quilt
Magnificent!! Hope you finish it soon:) Love the use of Xray film for the templates.
Corry, I have not visited in such a long time, and today I come and am left breathless! Thank you for sharing your once a year spotlight moment with us! Every post was such fun to catch up on! I especially loved the bicycle covers! Have a lovely spring! Elizabeth
Oh Corry! I think this peice deserves Once In A Lifetime status!
I'm not sure what mine would be, but I'll think about it:)
I have to say that this is the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen. I cant ever imagine doing something that beautiful. The patience and the time wow. You have a wonderful talent. Thank you for sharing it with us.
chris lee
That is absolutely stunning. It needs to be out in the light of day. You might want to start thinking how big does it actually need to be. You could put a border on it and enjoy.
I surely know what your talking about. I have a quilt that I've been working on for ever. I do have three of the twleve blocks made but just can't seem to get it out again.
Hysterisch, wat mooi!
Monnikenwerk heet dat!
Petje af!
~X~ Karin
That quilt is gorgeous!!!!! If you can't work on it for some reason, maybe you should drape it on something, so at least you can enjoy looking at it. If you don't finish it, do you suppose one of your grandchildren 50 years from now might do it? Or, they may sell it to an antique store, and someone will buy it and finish it!
It is so pretty!...I bet the range of fabric must be a history in itself.
oh my goodness - this is truly one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen! You simply must finish it soon so that you may look at everyday! I could spend years looking at all those wee pieces of individual fabric and remembering where they come from and what else they were used for!
Hmm...I'd have to go digging, but maybe you'll see something someday! :) That's a gorgeous quilt, Corry! And I absolutely love that you didn't repeat a fabric.
It's so beautiful. I do hope you finish it one day. My Mom worked at a vet and always got the old x-rays to use as templates.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL, I can't take my eyes off it!!
That is one gorgeous quilt- you must finish that one- oh the colors!
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