
Sep 27, 2008


In Last post I was just teasing you... ofcourse it's an angel!
I stitched a few...Two are on the front of a small bag and will go into the shop.
Two are still in progress....


And this little red angel bag likes to go travel.....She has not found a destination yet and so she´s looking for a place to stay. Maybe you can help her out by letting her stay at your place? If so please let me know by leaving a comment on this post. She will draw a name somewhere next week and I will happely send her off. You would make her sooo happy!


Have a wonderful weekend!


méri said...

The bags are soooo cure!
Thanks for the giveaway, Corry! and the opportunity to win :))

Ayala Levinger said...

Beyond my imagination! they are beautiful!! wow

Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

Such sweeties!

If I win..fingers crossed...this will go to my mum who has just begun using a walker and needs an angel watching out for her!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Unknown said...

The bags are adorable! I think the red angel would like to travel to the U.S. and come for a stay in Connecticut. I promise to be a gracious host to her and treat her very well. I will even take her on my travels.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little angel! If she makes her way to the US I promise to take her on many travels.

Tucson, AZ

Just Susan said...

I'm pretty sure that little angel would love it here in Newfoundland, Canada. For her sake I hope I win. Only thinking about the angel of course:-)~Susan

Anonymous said...

What a great bag! I will give her a good home if I am the lucky winner. :^)Janey Joop

Marianne said...

Ok, zeg dat engeltje maar dat ze niet langer hoeft te zoeken. Ze is van harte welkom in mijn huis!
Erg leuk en bedankt voor de weggeefactie!
Groetjes, M

Carol & Eddy said...

Awww, I would love to have this angel come live in our house. She'll be named ZsaZsa - that's gotta be a name for a glamorous angel :-)

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! A wonderful weekend to you too, Corry.

Unknown said...

I would LOVE to get it, your work is fabulous.

dutchcomfort said...

Your angel is adorable! What a wonderful gift for a give-away!

Anonymous said...

Adorable Bags! I'd love to give your little angel a home. Also, I'm sharing about your giveaway at my blog here:

Have A Happy Day!
Deborah @ A Cup Of Joy


Nicole said...

I know my little girl would give that angel a very good home. :) She's definitely far more organized and takes care of her things better than her mother.

mariarrosa said...

It's very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful chubby angel, adorable.

Susan said...

I think she would love to travel to the USA and come live with me in Michigan.

Tânia Pinto said...

Lovely work you've done with the stitching! :) I wish i was so gifted as you are to that! :)

And oh gosh... I'd love to get picked for that! A friend of my son would loooooove it! She's all girlie and princess like... :)

x vInTaGe VioLeT x said...

what a lovely bag!
i think you should send it to live here with me in England!!!

crafty diane said...

Love that bag! The fabrics and embroidery are fantastic! I would love to have her live with me!
Have a Blessed Evening,

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Your little bags are so cute!!

calicodaisy said...

Oh, I am a follower of all your happy crafts. I would love to have your bag come to my house to live. -- Michele

Anonymous said...

I really NEED this angel. She's just charming.

Jeanne said...

The angel bags are adorable! Please add my name to the drawing.

Unknown said...

I would like to purchase one from your shop. Elizabeth (shh, I am trying to find just the right heart to make and send to your sister. I am still pouring over her blog for ideas.)

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Such a sweet little angel with some gypsy in her soul? I think she would like to come to Ohio for a while and travel with me.....

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I somehow lost your blog, and I couldn't believe that I found you again. Put me in for the drawing too.

Jennifer said...

What pretty bags..they are sooo cute:) Enter me please:)

Aglaya said...

Oh those bags are absolutely gorgeous! Way to cute. Could I enter too? I'm sure she'd like it here in Cracow. I would show her the Wawel Castle... and the Market Square... and Sain't Mary's Church... and Kosciuszko Mound and the rest of the city, which is beautiful ;) And I have a couple of angels of all sorts at home so she would never feel lonely. Not that I'm trying to nobble her or something...

Kris said...

Wow! What lovely bags! I would love to have one at my house Corry!

Heleen said...

Ha, I just love this little angel!And although I am your sister, I want to enter too!! Does that make me greedy? Yes, I think so too....

Shabby-Roses-Cottage said...

Dear Corry,
The bags are sooo sweet :o)
And I love your birds!!!! They are soooooooooo cute!!!
Many lovely greetings,Pati

Natasja Cats - Verbeek said...

O my gosh those bags are so cute!! I would really love to take good care of your little angel :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful - you are really talented. I too would take of the little angel!

Chookyblue...... said...

Hi your bags look great.........I am sure I would be able to care for one of them......

Anonymous said...

How Gorgeous, please send the little red angel over to Australia and to me - I promise to take great care of her and love her.
Hoping, Tina D (Melbourne)

Levin said...

gorgeous bags. you really are very clever.

Treasuresofjoy said...

That is adorable and would be put to GOOD use over here!
I LOVE her hair!!

Unknown said...

So Cute. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Your stitching is so clean and crisp. I have a home for an angel.

Andrea said...

I heard her say she wanted to come to Wales - lol ! What a lovely gift for some-one lucky.

Salted River said...

Usely I don't like angels BUT yours are so cute and your favorite colours are so pretty with their little face and heart that...I'll really love if one flies to my home far away from your beautiful country where we love to spend holidays.
Your pictures are always great and I visit your blog every morning.
You are lucky to find so pretty fabrics and I'm anxious to come back to the Netherlands .
You do wonderful works!
Congratulations! from France

Anonymous said...


Acabo de ver tu blog.

Espero que visites mis blogs, son fotos de mi pueblo, de España y de Italia y Francia:

donde encontrarás los enlaces de todos los blogs.


Anonymous said...

Hoi Corry,
Ik waag ook maar een gokje. Dan reist de engel niet zo ver, naar de kop van Drenthe. Daar kan ze prima stalen.
Groetjes, Ria

Elin said...

Didn't she just cry out loud: I want to go to Norway??? Wonderful work from your hand!

Anonymous said...

O wat een schatjes! Ik zou er niets op tegen hebben als er één naar het oosten van Groningen vliegt.......

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Ik geloof dat ik niet de enige ben die wel een onderdak heeft voor dit lieve kleine engeltje! Ik vind haar prachtig en die kleurtjes zijn gewoon super!

Dotty said...

They are perfect.
You always makes things that make me smile! :)

monique said...

wat een schatjes zeg!
hier is ook wel een plaatsje hoor Ü.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Corry, your angels are just so cute.

Susan said...

I love your bag.It is beautiful.Enter me in your giveaway. God Bless.

life in red shoes said...

I am leaving a comment...and crossing my fingers!

Heidi said...

Well of course this sweet little angel could have a happy home at my house! :)

Hugs en groetjes ~

Jikkes said...

Geweldig dit tasje met lief engeltje....


meggie said...

OMG! I would LOVE that Angel! I would give her to my Granddaughter, to help keep her blessed.

Swirlyarts said...

Wow - how cute are those Angels?? I would love to win :)

Anonymous said...

Hallo Corry,

Wat een schattige tasjes zeg! wat een prachtige dingen maak jij!
Zeg maar tegen het engeltje op het rode tasje dat ze van harte welkom is in het oosten des lands!

Ik wens je veel plezier met je give away en een hele fijne dag verder!

groetjes, Yolanda

trudette said...

Great give away , I would love to have this little angle bag!

I alway enjoy reading your Blog

Unknown said...

What an adorable angel! I'd love for her to come live on Cape Cod. I was born in the Netherlands, my entire family still lives there and I am in the States. I'd love a little bit of Holland to be here with me :)

Nancy said...

She's very cute and happy looking! The blue one would look very nice in my blue and yellow kitchen. I think she should come to Minnesota to keep my kitchen warm this winter!

Idaho Quilter said...

Wow, I would love to have the chance to win something you have made, thanks for offering the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

She would have a wonderful home here across the ocean!! I would take good care of her!! Really!!!

Giulianadicuore said...

Hi Corry,
soooo cut!!!

Giuliana from Italy

Pascale said...

What lovely bags, I would love to win one. Thanks.

Pascale, UK

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous bag! Your talent is never ending!

Michaela said...

Corry, thank you for the giveaway.
They are beautiful.

Annette said...

This sweet little angel is always welcome at my house. She would be given plenty of love. I love the cute little bag you designed.

Karen said...

Hi Corry,
Your angels are absolutely adorable! I would love to have your little angel come to live in my house. She would be a very welcomed addition;)
karen'skraftkorner (at) blogspot (dot) com

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

Your Angel bag is just brilliant. Please add my name to the list. I am sure it would love to travel to Australia to meet me:)
Will put a link to it on my blog

Maria said...

your angel is awesome! thanks for giving it away.

sewkalico said...

Such cute bags - as always! You have a great style...

handy sandy said...

Hello Corry,
It's really a lovely bag.
Do you have a pattern of it??
My mom is fond of angels and I would like to make her one.
Thanks and regards,
Handysandy from IJsselmuiden

Sew Create It - Jane said...

They are so cute!! She would be most welcomed in my home ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hallo Corry,
Vandaag de 1e keer op jouw blog en zeker niet de laatste keer...tjonge wat maakt jij prachtige dingen zeg !!
Fijne week nog, groetjes,

Talie said...

Oh how cute! She would love it in our house. I think if I won I would have to give it to Rose (dd4) for her birthday in December!

vlijtig said...

comment 77, small chance to win this lovely angel. But I'll give it a try, because she's so cute!

Cornfield Quilter said...

The little Angel Bag can stay with me at my house. I know it will enjoy my house with all the quilts and stuffed quilted bears and the rabbit doll. What a good time they will have together. :D

Anonymous said...

I have a very nice house with a garden for your angel to stay - so she is very WELCOME here - lol;

Anonymous said...

jeetje: 79 reacties (nu dus 80): wat zijn we allemaal hebberig: ik niet uitgezonderd! ik ben heel lief voor little angels. En rood is toevallig ook nog mijn kleur!
Ruilen tegen een koppel leuke vogeltjes? (zie mijn blog: even scrollen)

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to the drawing for the giveaway.
connie w / cootie bug

Margaret said...

The little red Angel is lovely Please put me in the draw.

Jossie said...

Wat een beeldige tasjes Corry.En voor het rode engeltje wil met liefde adopteren ;-)

quiltygal said...

Do you think she would like to come to Australia? I have just the spot for her :) lovely giveaway very cute..

DAWNIE said...

would love to be in the draw for your lovely bags - they are just gorgeous

Carolien said...

Hello Corry, I love your angels, but your granddaughter-angel is the cutest!

Greetings, Carolien

Melissa said...

I would love to have your Angel come stay with me!
Thank you!

janetfaye said...

Your red Angel Bag is adorable!

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com