
Dec 17, 2009

Bring out the sled

It snowed today!

grandma moses
painting by Grandma Moses 1960

Outside my window the snow coated everything white.

Inside it's cozy and warm
It's time for some hot chocolate.
Enjoy your evening too!


trudette said...

Mooi , sneeuw zorgt voor een heerlijke wintersfeer.
prachtige foto's.
groetjes trudette

Anonymous said...

This is exactely what our little one said about snow: he likes drinking hot chocolat with that weather ! Children know everything, don't they ?

Rhondi said...

Hi Corry
Freshly fallen snow is so beautiful! I hope it lingers until Christmas!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Oh wow Corry! That photo's gorgeous! Enjoy your snow and a cozy evening!

Lee D said...

Mooi sneeuw. At least yours usually melts away quickly. OUrs seems to last forever, although today it is beautiful and sunny and 3*C, so some snow is melting. Hope you have a speculassje with your hot chocolate

Christy said...

wow, fresh snow! enjoy the coziness! i love the grandma moses painting too!

Mrs Twins said...

We have our first snow today! It's lovely looking out of the window at it, but not so nice when you are in it!
Nice time to sit by the fire and do your favourite things. Mine 'crocheting!'.
Hugs and Love Suex

Brenda Pruitt said...

Hot chocolate with marshmallows sounds very, very good indeed!

Leslie said...

looks lovely!! I am hoping for some snow here this weekend.

LiLi M. said...

Prachtige wereld! Ik vind persoonlijk vooral van achter de ramen met die chocolademelk waar jij het over hebt. Als ik de straat op ga met dit weer, verander ik onverbiddelijk in die ouwe trut die zo raar gaat lopen, bang om te vallen, hihihi! Laat mij maar lekker binnen en laat iedereen op zijn eigen manier van de sneeuw genieten!

Christa said...

I love your pictures! We are still waiting for snow here in Tennessee (USA).


Celestial Charms said...

What a beautiful window scene. I love how the candlelight is reflected in the glass. So cozy looking.

Anonymous said...

Ik hou zo van sneeuw.. Helaas was er hier in Eindhoven maar weinig.. :( Ag, misschien komt het nog! *Duimt*

Judy @ daily yarns said...

How pretty that looks. I love fresh fallen snow.

...Nina Nixon... said...

So beautiful and I love the window veiw - such a pretty one.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Nina x

Mãe da Rita said...

Lovely, lovely picture!

Julie said...

I sure hate driving in it but I think it is the most beautiful time of year!

Corrie said...

oh lucky you! it's hot here but I would love a little snow for christmas!


Levin said...

so pretty - i can't imagine what it would be like to be cold at christmas - but it seems much nicer to by cozied up warm and snug.
i hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate

Jikkes said...


Fijne dagen!

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Zalig hè, die echte ouderwetse sneeuw!!! Helaas ben ik geen held op de weg met al die gladdigheid, maar verder vind ik het heerlijk! Natuurlijk wel met een mok warme chocolademelk! (Mét slagroom!)

SofiAlgarvia said...

Such lovely photos!
We don't have snow here in Lisbon (Portugal), but yesterday we had pretty bad weather - it was windy, rainny and really cold.
I guess no candle would survive in my window!
Merry Christmas Corry

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you Corry! Your words and photos have brought such joy to me this past year. All that you inspire is so heart felt. I wish all good things to you this coming New Year! Elizabeth

Libby Buttons said...

Lovely post. It has put me in a cozy holiday mood!
Wishing you a season of CoMfOrt & JoY
LiBBy BuTTons

Anonymous said...

I like your "dutch blue". Have a look on my blog, you can find many "german blue" ;)...
I wish you a merry christmas!
Die Großmutter

Greyhaven Pines said...

What a wonderful scene outside your window. Isn't snow grand? :)

Merry Christmas,


Nadine said...

How beautiful...I love snow!

Blessings for a Merry Christmas!


Marika said...

Let blessed will rush to our heart,
Let this all unite the hands.
On the sweet holiday of Christmas
Be our guest: Goodness, affection!

Fil de vint said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!